As of May 18th at exactly 8:05pm my not so little peanut turned 6 months. We are officially at the half way point! WTH?! Where has the time seriously gone? It feels like a month or two ago, I was still pregnant! Everyday she's bigger and has accomplished something new and exciting. Recently it has been her sitting up on her own and attempting to drink out of a sippy cup. She LOVES drinking water out of a sippy cup - she gets sooo excited when she gets some in her mouth, it's so stinking adorable.
This morning, Harper had her 6 month doctors appointment - which meant she had to get a needle. I get so nervous for her and wish I could take the needle for her. My feelings aside, she did fantastic. I think she pouted/cried for all of 5 seconds and then smiled at her daddy who was trying to distract her. GAWD she is so cute.
My Sweet babe is a very impressive 18 lbs 13 oz and 27" long. She's over the percentile range for her age in both height and weight. Meaning she's freaking awesome :).
Something very exciting happening in two short weeks is her 6 month photo session. We're going with the same photographer that did her 8 day old/newborn pictures, which turned out amazingly. So I'm pretty freaking stoked for some super adorable pictures again. I plan on plastering the walls with pictures of our sweet girl - as soon as I'm able to start decorating (need to paint still..ugh).
Oh and a little update on Harper's sleeping situation - she's officially sleeping in our bed. Yup. It happened. We caved. I blame it on sleep exhaustion - 100%. Funny thing is, she loves it and sleeps so much better. Last night she almost slept for a 5 hour stretch. And I love snuggling with her, I'm not going to lie. She just freaking hates her crib! I'm still working on getting her used to it, regardless if she's sleeping in our bed. I AM concerned how I am ever going to get her in her crib when she's co-sleeping with us. BUT I am hopeful that one day she will be ready to be a big girl..that or we're eventually going to have a toddler sleeping in bed with us..ahem.
Regardless, she's happy, healthy and safe. And that's really all that matters to Fraser and I.
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