Be warned. My language in this post is anything BUT lady like.
Ugh. Where do I begin? We just recently moved into our house the end of March. We love it. We really really do. It's in a quiet, well kept neighborhood. It's close to both our parents..which will come in handy when I go back to work and both my mom and mother in law will be watching Harper. And its a nice big house for the price. It also was completely gutted (flipped) and updated. Which is freaking awesome. However, not everybody who flips houses, always does a fantastic job. In our case, cosmetically the house looks great, but there are some dark secrets the previous owners/flippers did a good job of hiding..initially. For instance, the first three days we were in the house we could not figure out why our hot water tank was turning off and on. So here we were, already stressed out because we thought something was wrong with our water tank and we hadn't even lived here a week. Awesome.
Then we had our internet hooked up. Fraser asked the technician to hook it up from outside, into our furnace room so he could eventually wire the house up starting from there. Well then we noticed our internet kept disconnecting, randomly throughout the day.
Now I want to mention, that upon moving into the house it was brought to our attention, some funny wiring that was done in the basement. Our light switch at the top of the stairs, that controls the hall light in the basement, also randomly (and incorrectly) controls the basement bathroom and laundry room light..grr. We thought, no biggy, we will correct it down the road.
Well then my genius hubby out of the blue, turns the light off at the top of the stairs and runs down to the furnace room.Whatta freaking know..the light switch also controls the sockets in the furnace room that our water tank AND internet was plugged into..#$%&*!! So now our little wiring problem, has turned into a pretty annoying wiring problem. Fraser had to put a hole into the wall, through our rec-room, so he could plug our water tank and internet into the socket in there (temporarily).
And what really grinds my gears is that when we came to look at the house, because it was a flip it was obviously vacant. So when our home inspector guy went through the house, we noticed the water tank was turned off. We thought, oh no big deal, they probably don't want it clicking on and off and using hydro up when no one lives here. WRONG. They were being sneaky, just like how they purposely left bulbs out of the basement bathroom and laundry room, so you wouldn't notice they turned on when you turned the switch on at the top of the stairs. Assholes.
The electrical problems are being taken care of, Fraser has a cousin who does electrical work and he's going to help us re-wire everything for pretty cheap. Thank goodness.
Now lets take the focus to today. We noticed a pretty strong cat urine smell in the furnace room (damn this furnace room and all of its secrets). We thought, oh the old lady who owned the house a few years back obviously kept her kitty litter boxes in here. WRONG. What we thought was a matter of just mopping the cement really good and maybe re-painting the cement, turned into something a lot more challenging.
Since the weather has been nice, we noticed ants in the house, particularly the kitchen (let me just note, I fucking despise insects of all kinds..especially insects in my damn kitchen where I prepare our meals). Initially, we didn't think it was a big deal. Old house..nice weather..bound to have little critters in the house here and there..that's totally normal. NOPE. We came home from a walk the other afternoon, to find 30+ BIG, FAT, JUICY ants crawly ALL over our counter, ALL over our stove and ALL over our sink. I had a meltdown. A sweaty palms, heart pounding out of my chest, feeling dizzy..meltdown. I don't do bugs, and I definitely don't do bugs in my damn kitchen.
After doing some research and googling pictures of big ants, we noticed that we did not just have your typical black ants..we have carpenter ants. Yup..freaking awesome. Apparently they like to build their nests in maybe our freaking cabinets? Total panic started flowing over me..holy hell we have an infestation. This is where my mind goes IMMEDIATELY. I made Fraser go to Home Depot, get ant traps and anything else that could potentially kill the little bastards. So we set up about 6 ant traps in the kitchen..a few in the dining room, thinking this would do the trick. Now let me say, there definitely was a pretty immediate decrease in the number of the little suckers running around. But I was still not happy. I don't want ANY running around my house. So the next day, Fraser went out AGAIN to Home Depot and got a huge container of pesticide that you spray on your foundation outside and even inside to kill the ants and keep from more coming in. Awesome. Fraser spent 30 minutes outside, spraying the foundation and even checking for cracks and filling in any with caulking. Phew.
What was I doing? I was inside cleaning the crap out of our kitchen. Screw the natural cleaner I usually opt for (especially in the kitchen), I pulled the Lysol out and was disinfecting the ENTIRE kitchen. I instantly felt better. And for a few days, we hardly noticed any ants. Hallelujah. Now just in case, Fraser also tore down the old deck in our backyard (which needed to be done anyways) and went under the addition of our house to inspect. What he found, was truly disgusting and horrifying (don't worry, it wasn't a rotting corpse or anything..I would be SO out of here)...a mountain of cat shit and what smelt like 10 years worth of cat piss covering every inch beneath our addition. Looks like the old lady didn't even need cat litter boxes..the cats were climbing through the window into the addition and pissing and shitting for god knows how many years.
Fraser came upstairs and holy mother did he smell. I could not even describe fully in words, the stench. OH and did I mention he was covered in what looked like beige chalk dust that was probably 10 year old cat shit. He then proceeds to explain to me the amount of cat shit built up in the corner of the addition and the horror on his face told me he wasn't exaggerating. Oh but there wasn't any ants..that was a plus in this shit storm of a situation.
Looks like this long weekend coming up is going to make for some fun times. Nothing better then taking buckets of cat crap out of your house. Oh and did I mention Fraser's allergic to cats? Happy Tuesday!
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