Friday, May 9, 2014

Homemade Baby Food: Mommy Post

Ahh I can't believe that the time has come. Where the hell has the last 6 months gone?! I still feel like it was just last month I was pregnant. Now I'm making the first batch of homemade baby food tomorrow! It makes me a bit emotional. My baby is growing up so fast! She's totally ready for baby food too - every time Fraser and I eat something, there she is, stairing wide eyed at us with her mouth open. Haha, cutest thing ever.  I'm sure she will hate actual food the first time she has it (which is why I'm recording it..ha). 

So Harper has been exclusively breastfed since she was born and usually you start off with baby cereal - not me. There's so much carp in baby cereal, that I didn't bother. I figured I would just hold out with food until she could have veggies and fruit and here we are! So it's happening..update tomorrow! First on the menu, carrots. Yum. 

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