Sunday, May 25, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy! General Post

Well these past few weeks have just been zipping by and I think it's because we've super busy around here. Lots of family visits, friend visits and tons of house work. Holy crap. When we lived in our apartment it would taken long to tidy the whole place up and it always felt like we had lots of extra time to do whatever we wanted. Now that we have a house AND a 6 month old baby, it's crazy busy. There's always something that needs to be cleaned or fixed - then I have Harper's food to make every couple of days, laundry to do, vacuuming, moping, etc.,. BUT as much as I feel like I never have time to just sit and relax, I love having a home to tend to. Our apartment was awesome, but it definitely wasn't "home". Now that we have a house and aren't going anywhere - anytime soon - I love cleaning and making it feel cozy.

I'm super excited because we ordered more furniture and area rugs from Ikea, which is supposed to be delivered on June 6th (no one's counting down ;) ) and I cannot wait! There was some things we definitely needed and somethings we just got to spruce up the place! We love love love Ikea, super affordable, great quality and super cute. Here's a break down of what we got:

Living Room Furniture:
- New side tables
- New television stand
- Sofa table
- Big area rug
- Skinnier rug for the door to the closet area

- Island
- Cabinet
- Rug for along the cupboards

Dining Room/Sitting Room:
- Area Rug

Harper's Room:
- Area rug
- Dresser
- Book shelves (3)
- Wall shelves (2)
- Toy Organizer

Our Bedroom:
- Area rug
- New duvet set
- New sheet set

- Small desk (for my crafting)

- Small desk (for Fraser's figures that he paints)

AHHHHH I can't wait, I will finally be able to organize our house which is super exciting for me! I love to organize and have been going slightly crazy the past few weeks with our current unorganized situation! I will post some pics as we build everything (by we I mean Fraser).

Now an update on Harper. She freaking hates solid food. I mean, really really hates solid food. baby cereal..hates it all. Every time I try giving her any - she gags the whole time. Like full on, super over the top, gagging. As if I just put dirt in her mouth - but yet it was some delicious sweet banana or apples. Ugh. Visualizations of a three old..breastfeeding goes through my mind. Her having the capability to pull my boob out herself and nurse. HA. No way. She's now going on week # 3 of eating solids and she's supposed to have some three times a day along with a sippy cup with water. We've been doing the sippy cup for a week now and she flipping loves it. She gets sooooo excited when we give her a sippy cup. She hasn't figured out how to tip it up so the water comes down into the spout but regardless she loves it. It just means Fraser and I have to sit there and hold it properly so she can drink it. The menu book I'm going off of with her solid foods says you can introduce watered down juice, but truthfully if she enjoys water on its own, that's what I'm sticking with for now.

Harper's sleeping situation has now gone from sleeping in her bassinet for 30 minute intervals to now sleeping in bed with Fraser and I. Yup, it happened and to be frank, we don't care. Everyone we tell is like "Oh no, that's not good, you're never going to get her out of your bed" OR the best yet was "Oh a buddy of mines kid slept with him and his girlfriend and now they're not together anymore"..Really?! Common now. There had to be some serious deep seeded issues in that relationship. Fraser's exact words to be were "I don't care if she sleeps with us, as long as my girls are happy". Ugh I could just gobble him up he's so darn cute. The reality of the situation's very hard to get your little one to sleep on their own when neither parents agree with the crying out solution. Seriously, if someone out there has some magic solution, send it our way, otherwise my peanut can snuggle with me all night every night. I am doing some of the strategies from the 'No Cry Sleeping Solution' by Elizabeth Pantley but it can take several weeks to see a difference/change and momma needs to sleep!

So we'll see where we're at when she gets mobile - who knows, maybe she will want space to herself at night and will welcome her crib with open arms. Pff.

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