Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Weekend: Zoo and relaxing it up!

I just wanted to start this post off by commenting on how happy our child is. Seriously. She is always smiling and giggling and if she isn't, she's not feeling well or something! Everyone always tells Fraser and I what a happy baby we have, and their right! I could just gobble her up she is so damn cute!

This past weekend, we visited the Greenview Aviaries, to check out some cute animals.

These little cuties were everywhere...seriously. There had to be 100+ running around. They must breed like rabbits or something! I wanted to smuggle one out and into our car..but sadly Fraser said no.
These guys seemed to enjoy living here..unlike most of the other animals.
It made me really sad, because the majority of all of their birds were in really small cages, with no trees or plants and with nothing to do. Some were even pulling out their feathers to the point of being bald in some areas - most likely from stress. It's one thing to have a zoo, its another thing to have a zoo with really nice exhibits. This place was not one of those zoos. Toronto zoo, in my personal opinion, does a really good job of building nice exhibits for ALL of their animals, big or small. The Greenview aviaries is definitely slacking in this department.

The reptile area made me cringe! This area, I felt, was one of the more neglected. They had two small crocodiles and some HUGE snakes, that were literally in what I could only describe as a small box with a dull light and a small water area. Again, no plants, no access to the outdoors. Not good.
I try my hardest not to be super judgmental, but when it comes to children or animals - I have a very hard time. I think they could put some more money and invest in better exhibits for their animals.

 This is my brother Michael and I.

Harper looked at some of the bigger animals that were moving around a lot, but any of the smaller ones, she couldn't have cared less. Ha. 
Harper Lynn and her daddy.

 We found a super quiet spot for me to nurse Harper in private, and this was our awesome view.
 Albino racoons
 A total ass ;)

I think I got some really nice photos during our visit!

Okay, so funny and slightly disturbing story about these guys. They were about 10 seconds away from mating, and I think I ruined it by saying "OMG their going to do it!!!" and "OMG look at his penis!!!"..yes I am an adult. But I couldn't believe they were going to do right in front of us..we were about to witness ZEBRAS mating right in front of our eyes. Except..I ruined the romance, clearly. So the female peed everywhere and walked away leaving the poor dude zebra high and dry.

 Seriously, those eyes...get me every time!
 My brother and I, just hanging out in front of the bear exhibit!
 The hubby and I
 I love this picture because it reminds me so much of the time we brought Michael to Storybook Gardens when he was younger (picture below) - it's crazy how time flies by!!
Look at how little he is in this picture!!!! Awww. He had so much fun that day!
I took these pictures of Harper after we got home from the zoo, she was still so smiley and happy!

The lighting was perfect and caught some cute giggly moments! She's such an angel! We're so lucky to have such a happy little girl in our lives! Overall our trip to Greenview Aviaries was a success! I couldn't believe how many animals they had! It will be a great place to bring Harper when she's old enough to play on climbers and swings as they had an amazing play area!!

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