For the most part we had a pretty relaxing long weekend. We brought our dog Josie to the groomers and boy did she need it! When we picked her up, it was like picking up a different dog. It's crazy how different she looks with longer hair and when we get her groomed. I personally like her hair cut short, she looks clean and a lot smaller. Fraser likes when she gets a bit shaggy. But since its the summer (the last of it), we wanted her hair cut nice and short so she wouldn't get too warm.
After picking up Josie, we headed over to my grandma's house so Harper could have a visit with her great gramma. We had a nice little visit and then were on our way home to relax.
Our weekend mostly consisted of cleaning, doing laundry and doing pretty much nothing. Which felt amazing. Fraser had got a scary game for his PS4 - I love to watch him play scary games. So while miss Harper Lynn napped, he played his game, while I watched and browsed the internet on my laptop. Sounds boring, but when every weekend seems to be packed full of house stuff needing to be done and people visiting - this was a nice break.
Harper has been napping like a little champ! She has two naps in her crib averaging from an hour and fifteen minutes to two hours each nap. This gives Fraser and I some time to ourselves or to spend with each other. Harper has also started to say "ma-ma". This is all I've heard the past five days and it warms my heart every time she says it!
Harper has also been eating solids a lot better. Her favourites lately have been blueberries and turkey (not mixed together of course ;) ). She is still waking in the night every couple of hours to nurse for a few minutes to put herself back to sleep - so this is our biggest struggle right now, which honestly isn't that bad. She's been going to bed around 7, 7:30. She will start off in her crib and end up in our bed. She's very cuddly and loves having her momma and daddy next to her while sleeping and Fraser and I don't mind right now.
Last night I cooked up my baked sweet and sour chicken dish - SO GOOD. Recipe in previous post. Such a yummy dish and is super filling!
All in all it was a nice relaxing long weekend for this little fam!
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