This summer has been a busy one. I've been itching to do a new blog post for weeks now but couldn't find the time to do it. With me being back at work (since June), my Etsy shop and home reno's/projects - I have had zero time. Fraser and I brought our sweet Harper baby out for a "date" shortly after I returned to work. I wanted it to just be the three of us so we could focus all of our attention on just her. Ella stayed home with my mom - which apparently she appeared lost and didn't know what to do without her sister! We started the day off at Adventures on Wonderland where Harper played for a few hours. Afterwards, we ate lunch and went to a movie.
Harper literally loved every minute of it. She kept saying "I'm on a date with mommy and daddy" with a great big smile and giggle. She seriously melted our hearts over and over as she ran around laughing and smiling the entire time.
This little lady is seriously a ham. She is so fiery like her momma and quite the comedian like her father. She follows around her big sister all day everyday, wanting to do everything Harper does. If I do Harper's hair, she wants hers done. She looks up to Harper and it truly is amazing to witness. They are already best friends.
These two are definitely outdoor babies. If they could spend the entire day outside in the heat - they would. Their current favourite is to go for long walks in their wagon and ending up either at the park around our street or in the backyard splashing in the pool or water table.
Ella is the little fish out of the two of them. She has zero fear of water (or anything for that matter). She will stick her face right in it - where Harper would rather delicately play in the water.
This past August marked Fraser and mine's 12th year anniversary. TWELVE YEARS. When I think about it, I'm like "holy crap, have we really been together that long?!". But then I start thinking about the fact that we were just kids when we first started to date. And now we have babies and good jobs and a house and a dog......We're adults now. It's crazy how time flies and we've been loving every minute of it. Him and I have been through thick and thin. People always ask "do you guys ever fight?! You guys are too perfect!". We have our disagreements and small arguments but in the 12 years we have been together we've had maybe two big fights. One of which was in the last few years and it was surrounding a very tough subject for the both of us - and the crazy thing was that we weren't even upset with each other but actually someone else. We just didn't know how to handle it. So instead we took our frustrations out on one another. It was when we realized that, that we made the tough decision to keep someone out of our lives. And to be honest since then we have been happier. Sure, the situation still sucks and it's something we evaluate on a daily basis but we are HAPPY with our decision and a stronger couple for it. At the end of the day we know we have to do what feels right for us and what we feel is the best decision for us and our girls.
I love this man to the moon and back and would do anything to make him happy. He deserves everything! We're now onto wedding plans for next summer. YIPPIE. We've been engaged for 5+ years and have had two babies since then. It will be a very small wedding, just liked we've always wanted and super intimate and I couldn't be more excited to start planning!
Although the girls love the heat and playing out in the sunshine - I could not be happier that Fall is right around the corner. Bring on the cooler weather and pretty fall leaves!
One big project we tackled this summer was our front porch. Fraser and my dad worked endlessly building this beast of a front porch. And although the front of the house is not finished - it's so close to being done and we're so excited. Fraser and my dad slaved away for 6 whole days, battling the heat and rain - building the deck/porch. Fraser and I laid out the stones for the new gardens - while my dad generously gave us an entire garden of hosta's that were nice and big - AND even planted them all for me. Best.Dad.Ever. SO next summer I will plant some pretty flowers in the smaller portion that's in front of the porch. We still have to paint the door and siding next to the windows a dark grey. Fraser built me a beautiful wood mail box and new house number plaque that I need to paint and we will finally be done!
So although we didn't accomplish everything we wanted to do this summer - we got so much done and had a blast doing it! I cannot wait to see what Fall and Winter brings but I'm sure it will be amazing!
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