I've been wanting to sit down and write a blog post for ever, but of course working fulltime, chasing after two babies and running an Etsy shop while also spending time with the hubby - prohibits me. It is officially fall and we could not be more excited. This is probably our favourite season with the cooler weather and beautiful fall leaves. It's so nice being able to bring the girls out to play without the crazy hot and humid weather we get in the summer time.
The girls are completely obsessed with going for a walk and playing at the park around the corner from our house. We will usually pull them around in their wagon for a while and then stop by the park for the girls to run around and play. Ella tries her hardest to keep up with her big sister, going down all of the slides (with help).
We have been so busy with my Etsy shop, small house reno's and normal chores - we have to make a point to bring the girls outside to play at least once a day on the weekends. I want them to enjoy this perfect weather while it lasts and before all of the snow comes along. We have so many exciting projects coming up with the house that are going to keep us very very busy, so we're trying to enjoy the quiet right now.
I can't stop taking pictures of these sweet babes. I feel like they are
both changing so so much and it's so exciting and sad at the same time.
Harper is a talking machine - full sentences. You can have a complete
conversation with her now. Fraser and I don't know when that started. I
feel like she went from saying single words to full sentences over
night. She loves to sing and knows several songs off by heart. You will
put her down for a nap or bedtime and she will sing herself to sleep.
Her favourites right now are "Jack be Nimble" and "Old McDonald".
Our sweet Ella is so full of personality and has been since she was a tiny baby. Weighing at only 23.5 lbs at her 15 month appointment, she makes up for her stature with her energetic personality. She will let you know just exactly how she is feeling (gets that from me) but is the sweetest baby sister ever. She absolutely adores Harper and follows her around like her little shadow. She copies everything Harper does which is absolutely adorable and hilarious to watch. Although Harper has gone to the dark side and has become a daddies girl, Ella is still very much a momma's girl. If she falls down and hurts herself, she wants her mommy. If she wakes up and isn't feeling well, she wants her mommy. Although it was challenging at the beginning having another baby so soon after Harper was born, I wouldn't change it for the world. It is so amazing to watch the two of them grow up together.
This past weekend was Thanksgiving. We started off by bring the girls to Apple Land Station for the first time and they loved it.
We trucked around looking for some pumpkins - but ended up grabbing one's that were already picked, because lets be honest that is so much easier and less messy - haha.
The girls ran around playing with the toys they had out and checking out the animals.
We went through the corn maze and got completely lost and ended up coming out the entrance - that's what you get for letting your almost three year old navigate.
By the end of our trip, the girls were completely exhausted.
I am super excited for Christmas - so much so I've almost finished shopping for the girls, eeek! Now to get Halloween over with so I can start pulling out Christmas decor ;)
We trucked around looking for some pumpkins - but ended up grabbing one's that were already picked, because lets be honest that is so much easier and less messy - haha.
The girls ran around playing with the toys they had out and checking out the animals.
We went through the corn maze and got completely lost and ended up coming out the entrance - that's what you get for letting your almost three year old navigate.
By the end of our trip, the girls were completely exhausted.
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