I have a seven month old - what the hell?!
I cannot believe how fast time flies by when you have a little one. Everyone kept telling me this would happen. Ugh. Some days I sit down and try to think back to when she was a newborn. That amazing newborn smell, her loads of dark hair, how she always curled up on our chest and would crash right out for hours. Now shes sitting up, has two teeth and eating solids (sorta..haha).
The reason why I take about a thousand pictures of her a day - is because I want to be able to look back at my sweet girl and all the changes she goes through, what seems like everyday.
Harper is honestly the funniest baby ever. She's such a ham - just like her father. Always laughing, smiling or making this weird noise that she thinks is funny (constantly). She thinks Josie, our dog, is hilarious. She will start to bust out laughing at the silliest things Josie does. Take today for instance, she was laughing her guts out watching Josie play with her rubber bone in the basement - as if it was the funniest thing shes ever seen.
Harper is the sweetest baby ever. She is always so happy and laid back. Every time Fraser and I are out somewhere with her, strangers always come up to us and say "she is so well behaved, not fussy at all" or "she is so happy, look at that smile!". Honestly, as long as she's fed and not to tired, she is constantly smiling and giggling. Even when she is hungry or tired and we're out somewhere - shes never had a tired fit or lost her temper.
I cannot believe how fast time flies by when you have a little one. Everyone kept telling me this would happen. Ugh. Some days I sit down and try to think back to when she was a newborn. That amazing newborn smell, her loads of dark hair, how she always curled up on our chest and would crash right out for hours. Now shes sitting up, has two teeth and eating solids (sorta..haha).
The reason why I take about a thousand pictures of her a day - is because I want to be able to look back at my sweet girl and all the changes she goes through, what seems like everyday.
Harper is honestly the funniest baby ever. She's such a ham - just like her father. Always laughing, smiling or making this weird noise that she thinks is funny (constantly). She thinks Josie, our dog, is hilarious. She will start to bust out laughing at the silliest things Josie does. Take today for instance, she was laughing her guts out watching Josie play with her rubber bone in the basement - as if it was the funniest thing shes ever seen.
Harper is the sweetest baby ever. She is always so happy and laid back. Every time Fraser and I are out somewhere with her, strangers always come up to us and say "she is so well behaved, not fussy at all" or "she is so happy, look at that smile!". Honestly, as long as she's fed and not to tired, she is constantly smiling and giggling. Even when she is hungry or tired and we're out somewhere - shes never had a tired fit or lost her temper.
One thing I do wish came with the fact that Harper is growing like a bean stock - is more sleep. Harper is exclusively breastfed except for when she eats solids. Something that's common for breastfed babies is that they start to associate going to sleep with needing a boob to do so. This is Harper without a doubt. In the past two weeks I have successfully gotten Harper to fall asleep without nursing, by nursing her until she's sleepy and then laying her next to me and letting her whine for a bit until she falls asleep. However, she still is waking up every 2 - 2 1/2 hours at night, looking for a boob. Now, that being said I still do get a decent amount of sleep. She wakes up, looking for a boob -I nurse her until she is sleepy (usually 4 minutes) and then lay her next to me and she crashes out within 2 minutes. So thankfully she is not waking and wanting to party for an hour or something. And because she sleeps with Fraser and I, I nurse her laying down which helps. Every other night she will sleep for an hour stretch - which is ah-mazing!
I'm hoping once she is consistently eating solids during the day and not nursing as often, she will maybe sleep a bit better at night. Also, once I have her sleeping longer stretches at night, I'm going to try the crib again. Right now she isn't having any part of her crib and I'm not totally upset with that, as getting up and walking to her crib in her bedroom 3+ times in the night, would suck.
One positive thing with Harpers sleeping situation, is that 9 times out of 10, we sleep in until 9 or 10 am. I'm going to re-evaluate the whole sleeping situation when she is 9 months - as I want her on a good sleeping schedule for when I go back to work when she is 12 months old.
I'm hoping once she is consistently eating solids during the day and not nursing as often, she will maybe sleep a bit better at night. Also, once I have her sleeping longer stretches at night, I'm going to try the crib again. Right now she isn't having any part of her crib and I'm not totally upset with that, as getting up and walking to her crib in her bedroom 3+ times in the night, would suck.
One positive thing with Harpers sleeping situation, is that 9 times out of 10, we sleep in until 9 or 10 am. I'm going to re-evaluate the whole sleeping situation when she is 9 months - as I want her on a good sleeping schedule for when I go back to work when she is 12 months old.
Overall, I'm totally obsessed with my sweet girl AND I'm totally dreading going back to work at the end of November. If I could, I would stay home with her until she was old enough to go to school. BUT I like to spoil her and buy her everything I want to ..so that mean's I need to work. Ha.
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