We're at the half way point and I cannot believe it! Each day it seems she has grown a tiny bit more. I just want everything to slow down! Ella is our last baby and although some days can be rough with two little ones, we're trying to cherish every moment.
Weight: 15lbs 5oz
Length: 28"
Breastfeeding: No change. Still nurses great. The only complaint I have is she is super nosey and needs to see everything that is going on, which means she likes to test the durability of my nipples..ugh.
Sleeping: Huff. This is the most frustrating thing right now. She is a complete yo yo when it's come to sleep. While I'm typing this, she has been napping for over an hour and a half. Other days I'm lucky if she naps for 30 minutes at a time. Night time she has been mostly sleeping in her crib in her room with the exception of some rough nights due to teething where she's ended up in our room in her bassinet. Again, some nights she does really well, doing 5 hour stretches to other nights where she's up every 2 hours. I'm hoping as long as I keep consistent, that she will become more predictable her sleeping habits. Until then, I just take one day at a time.
Teeth: she has two teeth almost coming through the gums. There's two lumps and her gums are swollen, but avail no teeth as of yet. She's definitely having
some pain and discomfort from this.
Other milestones: she's been able to sit up unassisted since she was 5 months old. She also rolls to whatever she wants on the floor and as of late has been trying to get on all fours (yikes).
Here are some pictures from her 6 month photo shoot:
Ella is seriously the smiliest baby ever. Even if she's fussy, you can make a funny face and she will start to smile and laugh. She's a huge momma suck which I love and am enjoying while it last. My sweet tiny Ella with the her big blue eyes and huge smile.
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