Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Ella's 4 Month Update + Loving Fall

Earlier this month, Ella turned 4 months old. I know I say this a lot, but where does the time go? I feel like I was just pregnant last month and now I have this baby who is constantly smiling and giggling at me. 

Breastfeeding: No changes, still a great eater. I have noticed TMI that I'm getting a little sore lately after she nurses, and I remember I did with Harper around the time she started to teeth. Ella's been drooling up a storm and shoving everything in her mouth so I think that's what is going on. 

Sleeping: She has been going to bed at around 7:30pm and sleeping 8-10 hours straight, then will nurse and sleep another few hours. This is obviously amazing, however for whatever reason she wants nothing to do with napping. She will have two 30 minute naps throughout the day which is brutal because she's miserable and exhausted come bedtime. It's crazy to me how she went from having a 2-3 hour nap during the day and sleeping a 5-6 hour stretch at night to her schedule now. 

Weight and Height: She now weighs 12 lbs 12 oz and is 24 and a half inches long. She's healthy as a horse just tiny like her momma was as a baby. It's still an adjustment having such a tiny baby when your first was a tank. Haha.

Milestones: She just finally rolled from her back to her belly. So now she's doing both belly to back and back to belly. She's also laughing and smiling constantly and even some babble. She holds toys really well and is getting better at bringing toys to her mouth. 

Random: Ella has severe eczema. It's awful. I'm pretty sure she has a full blown allergy to dairy, so when I eat anything with dairy in it, she reacts. I've tested this a few times now and I'm almost 100 % positive that this is the case. I will go from cutting all dairy out of my diet and for the most part her skin will clear with the exception of some spots. Once I start consuming any dairy (I only consume lactose free as Harper had a lactose sensitivity), she becomes covered head to toe in eczema. I'm going to get her referred to an allergist and a dermatologist. Right now we have a routine of two short baths a day, one in the morning and one at night. Followed by her immediately being smothered in Cetaphyl cream, head to toe. I use scent free and dye free laundry detergent, cetaphyl cleanser for in the bath and I avoid any perfumes or scented products. As long as I stay clear of dairy, her skin is pretty clear.

For the most part she is a happy baby but with this no napping and possible teething, she has her pretty fussy moments. 

Harper just adores Ella. She's constantly giving her kisses and patting her head. Her new thing has been "aww baby". And she says it in this high pitch baby talk which is hilarious. 

 Ella refuses to sleep at night without being swaddled. I told Fraser we're going to have a toddler who sleeps swaddled at this rate. My only concern is going to be when I want to move her to her own room in the next month or so. It's not recommended swaddling a baby in their crib once they can roll over onto their belly. So, that's going to be interesting. For the time being, I'm enjoying getting sleep at night. 

Now for a ton of photos of my babes: 

Two weekends ago was also Thanksgiving here in Canada. Which meant it was Ella's first holiday. We had a bunch of my family over for dinner which was really nice. We had lots of good food and just relaxed. Thank goodness for my amazing mom who helped tackle dinner with me! Here are some photos from that weekend:

I am thankful every day for my two beautiful, healthy little girls and an amazing partner who is literally my rock. 

Oh and mini pumpkins, I'm thankful for them as well because their too stinking cute. Xoxo

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