Life around here has been pretty chaotic since Ella was born. It feels like we don't stop from 7am until 9pm. Diaper changes, messy faces and constant drool. Harper's molers have FINALLY started to come in, which means she is a constant drool monster and every sweet kiss she gives me usually ends up with my face being completely soaked. But I still love my sloppy kisses. Ella's also been drooling like crazy so I'm sure she is starting to teeth being that she is almost 3 months old.
I feel like all I do all day is change diapers. I've made it routine that if I change one diaper, I immiediatly change the others. That way I feel like I get a bit of a break in between unless of course either one decides to take a massive crap 5 minutes into a nice clean diaper. Huff.
It is very clear that Harper is approaching the "terrible twos" stage, with her random tantrums, grunting and slapping of random objects. Not to mention the fact that her favourite word is "no". This stage is especially fun to experience when you have an infant permantely attached to your bosom which makes it difficult at times to get whatever it is, your almost toddler, wants - which of course in her world needs to happen RIGHT THIS FREAKING second.
It's also fascinating to watch Harper while she is playing with her toys, seeing what exactly keeps her entertained. Her current favourite is to dump all of her toys out of their buckets and either sit or stand in it. She will do this process over and over. It's pretty adorable, until she trips and does a face plant into the floor. Oh and nose picking is also a favourite of hers, which is always disgusting - especially when she tries to pick my nose.
Ella is still growing at warp speed. I just want everything to slow down. Although everything is so chaotic, I am loving every minute. Loving my two babies and watching them grow.
Today's update: my sweet Ella laughed for the first time a week ago. Best noise ever. And the Halloween Jammie's have officially come out! Autumn weather and festivities here we come!!
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