This is long overdue considering Ella is almost four months but I want to update so I can look back.
Ella has been changing a lot these past few weeks, with her sleep patterns and just her personality in general. She is a big smiler and a total mommies girl.
Sleeping: Ella went through a short (thankfully) phase of waking every 2 hours during the evenings to nurse. I'm thinking it was a growing spurt since she's back to her usual 6-8 hour stretch, which is awesome. She is also starting to sleep more without being unswaddled which is great as this was something I was worrying about. Harper hated being swaddled so I never had to worry about getting her to learn to sleep without. So I'm glad Ella's doing so much better with this. She naps really well during the day in her crib. Usually she has a 40 minute to an hour nap in her crib in the morning and then a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.
She still nurses extremely well. No issues with her latch and she nurses
pretty much every hour and a half during the day.
This is the thing I'm always worrying about. She is so tiny in
comparison to what her sister was weighing at this stage. Harper was
over 16 lbs at this point where Ella is just shy of 12 lbs. We were at
the emerge this past week due to Ella having a high fever and not
wanting to eat. She was hooked up to an IV for dehydration (which was
awful) and was weighed. She was 10 lbs 7 oz at her two month appointment
and is now 11 lbs 14 oz. So she's gaining weight, just very slowly. I
was a very tiny baby and did not gain weight very easily, so I think
Ella is taking after me.
being said, I'm too paranoid she's not getting enough calories from my
breast milk for whatever reason, so I'm going to start giving her a
bottle of high calorie lactose free formula before bed every night to
see if that helps her gain some weight.
Ella is a momma's girl, who's always smiling and cooing away. I couldn't be happier to be this little gal's momma.