Yep, we're having another sweet girl. We could not be more thrilled. I thought up until this point, that it was totally going to be a boy - since this pregnancy has been so different compared to my pregnancy with Harper. The second the receptionist told me the results over the phone, I was totally shocked, but excited. I mean Harper is so darn cute - so it will be so exciting to see what this little cutie is going to look like.
Since we now know the sex of the baby, we picked out the paint colour for the nursery:
I loved this colour, because it's a really really soft light pink - not your traditional BAM pink that a lot of people end up choosing for a little girls nursery. I wanted a soft colour also because this babies room is the smallest of our three bedrooms. I want the room light, bright and fresh.
Since I'm not the most traditional when it comes to decorating a nursery, I went to Pinterest for some inspiration and this is what I liked:

I loved these nurseries because their different but still really adorable. SO excited to start decorating. We plan on getting the room painted this weekend, so I intend on taking some before and after pictures as we go along.
Here's the baby at 19 weeks 5 days:
I still can't believe we're doing this soon. But here we go :)
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