As I write this, it's Tuesday night 8pm and both girls have been sleeping for an hardcore out of it sleeping. That's because neither one of them napped at all today. Ella had maybe a total of 30 minutes of sleeping today, so that doesn't even count in my books.
The day started off a little out of sorts for us as the girls and I slept in until 9am which isn't the norm. Usually we're all up at around 8am maybe 8:30. Ella started the day at about 5am wide awake, starring up at me while she nursed. This never usually happens. So I wrestled with her until 7am. Nursed her, rocked her..just hoping to get a few more hours of sleep. She eventually went back to bed at 7am, me right along with her.
Ella's sleep has been so random lately. All last week she would nap twice, 30 minutes each nap (yippee..insert sarcasm) and then crash at 7pm and sleep for a good 10 hour stretch, nurse and then sleep another 3 hours. So obviously I couldn't complain too much as I was getting a good nights rest. However, the seriously crappy part of her taking quick cat naps during the day is her being miserable and TIRED but refusing to go to sleep. Probably the most infuriating thing ever. A sleepy baby who doesn't want to go to sleep.
Then this whole past weekend, she started napping again for about 2 hours in the morning but not sleeping as soundly and only doing about a 6-7 hour stretch. Huff.
Oh the joys of parenthood when you have two small kids. I wouldn't change it for the world. These two little ladies make any challenge or struggle, totally worth it.
Halloween weekend was super busy but also really fun. We painted our upstairs bathroom and are excited to finish it off with some new decorations and accessories like a new faucet, mirror, etc., We are still picking these things out but hope to have it all finished in the next month or so.
For Halloween, Harper and I were witches and Ella was a super adorable berry.
Fraser picked out an inflatable costume that made it look like he was riding a dinosaur; this is what happens when you let a man pick out a costume. I didn't get too many pictures of him since he took it off pretty quickly as he couldn't even sit down while wearing it!
We had a bunch of yummy finger foods with family and the girls had a blast!
Now we're just trying to get everything ready for our sweet Harpers' 2nd birthday party. I'm feeling totally unlike myself as I still have things to do and normally would have everything perfected and ready to go weeks ago! The theme is Bubble Guppies - she is beyond obsessed! I can't wait for her to see all of the decorations.
Now for a bunch of pictures:
Although days like today make me seriously want a stiff drink or 5 (it's been 3 years since I've had a drop of alcohol, that's what being pregnant twice and breastfeeding in between gets you..), I am seriously blessed to have two beautiful healthy girls who get to grow up together and experience things together. I am also so blessed to have an amazing partner who brought home pizza today because he felt I shouldn't cook after the day I had today. He is seriously the most thoughtful person ever!
And now I have to go because Ella is waking up looking for a boob, seriously how does she just keep going..haha.